Bargaining Updates and Next Steps!

Dear HCI colleagues,

We have great news! After hours of negotiations with the state of Oregon, your bargaining team has reached an agreement on a contract with three essential Letters of Agreement (LOA). As you may know, we have been fighting since 2021 for a fair contract that includes a path to fair and transparent wages and consistent schedules for all. Thanks to your efforts in the 2024 legislative session, we were able to pass SB 1578, and we now have that path.

A Letter of Agreement (LOA) has been reached with the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) to create a committee of OHA representatives and members of Oregon Interpreters in Action (OIA), which will provide guidance on the creation and implementation of our state-based scheduling and payment processing system. The bargaining team wanted to make sure that interpreters have a seat at the table during every step of this process, so this is a big win!

The bargaining team was also able to secure an LOA for Professional Development, which will give us the opportunity to get more affordable and accessible training and CEUs.

You can read more about the LOAs here!

Finally, in an effort to invest in the long-term viability of the health care interpreting field, the state has chosen to direct the additional $2 million in funding from last year’s Christmas Tree Bill toward the creation and implementation of the state-based scheduling and payment system.

While this contract is a big win for us, we know there is still much work to be done to ensure that we get the fair pay and resources we deserve. Now more than ever, we need to stand together. The state needs to know we have a strong union membership. Here are some things you can do to get involved:

  • Join our union (OIA)! If you're not a member yet, click here to sign a membership card! There are no dues deductions until we have union appointments with fair pay.

  • Attend your membership meetings, and stay tuned for the date and time. If you are not a member yet, join our next meeting to learn more.

  • Like our OIA Facebook page for most recent events and updates!

  • Share this email with your colleagues!

  • Stop by our table at the OHCIA conference on May 4th!

Thank you for all the incredible work that you did to advocate for SB 1578 - your stories and testimonies helped show elected officials that health care interpreters are worth more! Together, we will continue to fight for the pay and benefits we deserve.

In solidarity,

Oregon Interpreters in Action